
Selected lectures at conferences:


Cities Light Up in Solidarity With Ukraine: From Internationally Synchronized Illuminations to Projection Activism, Drone Shows and Global Art Projects. Media Architecture Biennale. Toronto, 2023


Changing needs in lighting design: From lux levels to system thinking. Solar Decathlon. Wuppertal, 2022


Media scapes in China: The empire of figures transforms into conntected media facades. Thomas Schielke and Lin Ma. Media Architecture Biennale. Amsterdam/Utrecht, 2021


How Apple strives for the perfect sky and revives cities
Professional Lighting Design Convention. Rotterdam, 23.-26.10.2019


Streetscapes at Night: Lighting between Safety, Identity and Transformation
City Street3, Beirut, 31.10.-3.11.2018
Slides Keynote


From productivism to scenography: Urban branding
SuperLux Symposium. Technical University of Munich
For more information: Superlux Symposium


Light for Brand Communication: When Lighting becomes Part of CI
IALD Enlighten Europe. Berlin, 9.-11.2014

Light for Brand Communication: When Lighting becomes Part of CI
Euroshop. Düsseldorf, 19.2.2014


Optoelectronics for efficient visual comfort
Smart Lighting. Frankfurt, 14.5.2013


Impact of Lighting Design on Brand Image
Experience Light. Eindhoven, 12.-13.11.2012

Media facades: When buildings start to twitter
Expo Lighting America. Mexico City, 29.2.-2.3.2012


Luminous walls: From stained glass windows via modernist wallwashing to pixelated planes
Professional Lighting Design Convention. Madrid, 19.-22.10.2011

Learning light and identity
Professional Lighting Design Pre-Convention. Madrid, 19.10.2011

How store lighting influences store atmosphere, price and quality perceptions and shopping intention
Stephan Zielke, Thomas Schielke: European Marketing Academy 40th Conference. Ljubliana. 24.-27.5.2011.

Media facades: When buildings start to twitter
3rd Lighting Solution Conference. Dubai, 26.04.2011

Media facades: When buildings start to twitter
Illuminated city symposium. Portland/USA, 9.04.2011


Designing lighting solutions
Shaping Light. Howest-Industrial Design Center. Kortrijk/BE, 27.01.2010


The aesthetic of luminous ceilings: From the image of heaven to dynamic light
Professional Lighting Design Convention. Berlin, 29.-30.10.2009

Light and corporate identity
Experiencing Light. Eindhoven/NL, 26.-27.10.2009

Let there be light! Architectural considerations in lighting design
Stadia Design & Technology. Warsaw, 21.-22.4.2009

Luminous brands
Enlighten Europe Conference. London, 4.-5.2.2009


Architecture and lighting design with LEDs
LED in lighting technology. Haus der Technik. Essen, 10.-11.3.2008

Light and Space – Luminaires as Architectural Details
Symposium Finishes without limits. German Center for Architecture DAZ. Berlin, 21.02.2008


Stadiums as images of light
International Congress for the Design, Construction, Modernization and Management of Sports and Leisure Facilities. Cologne, 31.10.-2.10.2007

Architectural lighting images – influence of visualisation
Professional Lighting Design Convention. London, 25.-27.10.2007

Learning from Architectural Lighting for Automotive Interior Lighting
7th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting. Darmstadt, 25.-26.9.2007


Innovative Lighting with LEDs.
VDI Conference – The Association of German Engineers.Duesseldorf, 21.-22.11.2006: Outdoor Lighting and LED

First principles in architectural lighting – and how we can use them for automotive interior lighting
Future for Automotive Lighting. L-LAB Summerschool 2006. Winterberg, 18.-22.9.2006.

DALI – Plug&Play and Software Technology: user-friendly installation, easy operation
Licht 2006. CH-Bern, 10.-13.9.2006.


Designing Atmosphere With Light – Lighting Effects And Illumination Technologies
International CTI Forum Automotive Interior. Wiesbaden, 4.-6.7.2005.