Offering new views to improve the methodology, sharing research results and connecting students to experts are essential elements to inspire students in their important phase of their final projects. Some mentored students were brought to a level where they could even present their work at an international conference.

Selected master thesis projects
- A. Kolovea: Light as a medium for public engagement in the urban space. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, 2017
- B. Kahdemann: Shaping brand identity with light. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, 2014
- H. Gong: Qualitative lighting design principles for automotive lighting. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, 2013
- J. Rubenbeck: Lighting design concepts for electric charging stations. Wismar University of Technology, Business and Design, 2013
- L. Wong: Etheral Architecture. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA, 2013
- A. Pradana: Videography as a Tool for Architectural Lighting Design Project Communication. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, 2012
- Y. v.d. Broek: Evaluating adaptable lighting concepts for fashion retail: Measuring consumer engagement. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, 2012
- S. Esmailzadeh: Recycling – Compact flourescent lamps. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, 2011
- 2011 M. Leudesdorff: Retail lighting for fashion stores; Compact flourescent lamp recycling. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, 2011
- R. Block: Luminous ceilings. The perceptual change with modern (day-)light technology. Wismar University of Technology, Business and Design, 2010
- M. Dooney: Lighting design: The importance of vertical illumination in a holistic lighting design methodology. Wismar University of Technology, Business and Design, 2010
- H. Neumann: The Impact of Sustainability on Brand Lighting. Wismar University of Technology, Business and Design, 2010
- I. Kundzina: Light by Motion. Visualizing the spatiotemporal aspects of human perception in lighting design. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Stockholm, 2008